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Home School Agreement

We know that it is vitally important for the school and our parents to work closely together to support our children.

That is why we encourage every parent to sign the home-school agreement so we can understand how to support you, and you can understand how best to support us.

Agreement for parents/carers

To help my child, I will do my best to:

  • Make sure that my child arrives in school on time and is collected on time
  • Make sure that my child attends regularly and informs the school of the reason for any absence
  • Support the school in maintaining good behaviour and discipline by helping my child to understand and follow the school rules
  • Encourage my child to participate fully in school activities, and to provide my child with suitable clothing (i.e. PE kit)
  • Support my child with homework and other home learning opportunities
  • Listen to my child read frequently i.e. minimum 3 or 4 times a week
  • Attend open evenings for parents
  • Ensure that my child wears the school uniform and follows the dress code (including acceptable shoes & hair styles)
  • Let the school know if there are any problems that may affect my child’s welfare and/ or ability to learn
  • Make sure the school always has up to date emergency contact information
  • Always show our school values of PRIDE (Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Excellence) within and around the school building and community

Agreement for the school

The school will do it’s best to:

  • Encourage your child to do their best at all times
  • Expect the best from all children in behaviour and work
  • Inform you regularly as to how your child is progressing
  • Inform the children and you about what the children will learn each term
  • Take every reasonable step to ensure the safety, happiness and self-confidence of all children
  • Be open and welcoming at all reasonable times and offer opportunities for parents and carers to become involved in the daily life of school
  • Set, mark and monitor home tasks regularly
  • Contact parents and carers if there is a persistent problem concerning your child’s attendance or punctuality
  • Offer a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of our children
  • Ensure everyone within the school shows our school values of PRIDE (Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Excellence) within and around the school building and community