Welcome to Willow, Elm and Sycamore
Our classes are for children in Years 3 and 4.
Sycamore class is taught by Ms Beveridge, Elm class is taught by Miss Berry and Willow Class is taught by Mr Davies.
Each half term, the class will be set a homework project linked to their curriculum theme. In order to make maths fun and enjoyable, we will also send a maths fluency fact sheet home for the term, which gives the opportunity for children to spot mathematical patterns, make mathematical connections and speed up their calculation skills.
P.E. will be on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their full school PE Kit on these days. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and that if your child cannot take out their own earrings that they are taken out before school. We will be trying to get outside as much as possible.
Please remember to put your child's name on everthing as this makes it quicker to return items to their reightful owners. This does also include water bottles, which should only be filled with water.
Your child has been given an independent reading book to read at home, which is suitable to their word recognition and comprehension skills. They should record their reading in their reading records.
This Term's Theme: ' Anglo-Saxons'
Our Learning Journey for Summer 1 will be exploring the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons and how that impacted the history of Britain. In History, we will start by looking at why and how the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain. Following on from this, we will explore how Christianity came to our shores and finish with the impact of the Anglo-Saxons on Britain.
In Art, we will be exploring the artwork of Vincent Van Gough and focusing on his famous piece ‘Starry Night’. The children will use ‘Starry Night’ to create their own image in this style focusing on effectively using tone, line and colour.
In Writing, we will be starting the term looking at describing a story. We will use How to Train your Dragon as an inspiration for our writing, using the setting and characters to help create our story. Following on from this, the children will explore persuasive letters and write their own. Alongside this, we’ll be reading a range of non-fiction, fiction and poetry in our reading lessons. These will have children using range of skills such as retrieval, prediction, inference, explanations and comparisons to answer a range of questions.
In Maths, we’ll be moving on to fractions. Alongside our regular Maths lessons, we will be completing daily Mastering Number and times tables sessions with a focus on x9s.
In RE, we will start looking at Sikhism and examine what it means to be a Sikh. We will introduce the children to the five Ks and consider why each is fundamental to a Sikh. During PSHE, we will look at how they can look after their relationships. This will include celebrating their memories with other people and animals as well as looking at how we deal with love and loss.
After the children’s hard work in the Easter production last term, we now will go back to our French units. This term the children will look at what is in a French classroom and start to explain what is in their bags. Lastly, in computing the children will find out and create branching databases.