Welcome to Maple and Cherry.
Our classes are for children in Years 1 and 2.
Year 1 children are in Maple Class and are taught by Mrs McKean and Year 2 children are in Cherrry Class and are taught by Miss Mawby and Miss Brown.
Each half term, the classes will be set a homework project linked to their curriculum theme. In order to make maths fun and enjoyable, we will also send a maths fluency fact sheet home for the term, which gives the opportunity for children to spot mathematical patterns, make mathematical connections and speed up their calculation skills. They will also have a list of spellings for the term.
During a normal school week, PE for Maple and Cherry will be on a Monday. We would like children to come dressed in their PE kit on this day. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and that if your child cannot take out their own earrings that they are taken out before school. We will be trying to get outside as much as possible, so please ensure clothing is weather appropriate. PE kit is Black leggings, shorts or jogging bottoms, and a plain white t-shirt,. A plain jumper or hoodie (school jumpers or cardigans are acceptable) can be worn during the winter.
Please remember to put your child's name on everthing as this makes it quicker to return items to their reightful owners. This does also include water bottles, which should only be filled with water.
Your child has been given an independent reading book to read at home, which is suitable to their word recognition and comprehension skills. Please read with your child daily and record their reading in their reading record.
This Term's Theme: 'Science, Geography, and Art'.
During the Summer 1 term, we will have a Science, Geography, and Art focus.
In our English lessons, Year 1 will be looking at the text -Beegu, before moving on to writing instructions - How to make a jam sandwich. Year 2 will be looking at Poetry – Night Sounds and then the text - My name is not Refugee.
Both Year 1 and Year 2 will continue to practice the correct use of capital letters for the beginning of sentences and for names, and the use of commas, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. During instruction writing Year 1 will look at command sentences, whilst in Poetry Year 2 will focus on writing poetry and intonation in spoken word.
Year 2 will be looking at Fractions and Time as their Maths learning this term, with Year 1 also looking at Fractions, Direction and Position. Both year groups are also looking at Multiplication and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
In RE this term we will be asking ourselves the question: What can books and stories tell us about religions? As part of this, we will think about the different books available to us, and those that are special and important, and why.
For our Science topic, we will be answering the question: What is a Habitat and who lives there? We will be looking at different habitats for animals, such as Woodland, the Seashore, Ocean and Pond Life. We shall discuss the different things that animals need to survive and if their habitats are suitable for them. Our trip later in the Summer will have a focus on exploring other animal habitats and comparing these to the habitats already looked at.
PSHE this term will be focused on the relationships we have with our families and friends, and how we create positive relationships in our lives.
In Art we will be exploring the techniques used by different Illustrators, and how we can use simple lines to draw and create pictures.
We will have a Geography focus this term, looking at what life is like in Shanghai, and we will be making comparisons to what life is like in the UK. Do we think we would prefer to live in Rushden or Shanghai?