Welcome to Beech, Oak & Ash
Our classes are for children in Years 5 and 6.
Beech Class is taught by Mr Yasseen, Oak Class is taught by Miss Miller & Mrs James and Ash Class s taught by Miss Tongue.
Children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit on their PE day. PE lessons are on a Tuesday. A gentle reminder that with the ever changing weather, layers will be needed to keep your child warm.
Please remember to put your child's name on everthing as this makes it quicker to return items to their reightful owners. This does also include water bottles, which should only be filled with water.
Maths homework will be set termly, with different fluency facts being sent home each term for the children to practise at home. Times Tables Rock Star maths logins have now been sent home and we ask that our pupils engage online as often as possible. We are also providing time in school for pupils to log on to TTRS, but practice at home is just as important, as our pupils need to be fluent at recalling all of their multiplication facts for 12 x 12. Each term each pupil is expected to complete a homework project relating to our wider curriculum focus. Termly spelling lists will also be sent home, listing the spellings being taught in class weekly. Any support at home in practicing these spellings, alongside the support in school, will be really beneficial to their learning of spellings.
Reading books and records were assigned last term for each pupil. We do track and log daily reading and we do have reading raffles for our classes for our pupils who are reading at home. When a book has been finished, they should return this to school and select a new book from the reading corner. All books that are returned are isolated before being returned to the reading corner.
This Term's Theme – 'Curriculum'
This term, our classes will be diving deep into the curriculum.
In Science, we will be exploring animals and plant life in the local environment and how it is impacted by the are around them.
In Writing we will be focusing on the grammar aspects of writing such as subordinate clauses, relative clauses, colons and semi-colons and using our geography, science, RE and art lessons to create some great biographies, explanations and descriptions.
In Maths, the focus will be on arithmetic and reasoning questions as well as shape, data and measure – don't forget to keep practicing those times tables (x9x7x8x6).
In PSHE, Year 5 and 6 are learning about why it is important to set their own boundaries and how to do this.
In Art, we will be observing the work of Henri Rousseau before painting our own images in the style of this artist, focusing on different tints, shades and tones. The children will be learning about the foreground, background and how to use bold colours to bring attention to detail in their masterpieces.
In Computing, the children will be exploring what 3D Modelling is and how it can be used.
PE days: Year 5 and 6 PE days are a Friday. Please ensure your child has appropriate PE kit:
- A house forest t-shirt
- A navy blue round neck sweatshirt or navy blue cardigan (with or without school logo)
- Black PE shorts/ Navy or black Jogging bottoms
Suitable trainers for PE